Global Associates

Titan Oil Recovery Inc.

SOPAN has signed a Service Agreement with Titan Oil Recovery, Inc., a veteran in the field of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) with deployments across four continents, for providing Organic Oil Recovery (OOR) solutions to the Indian Oil Production Industry.


SOPAN is a partner of Cryogenmash for delivering Mini LNG plants in India. In some cases,  E&P companies flare Natural Gas because of non-availability of customers at production site or the area where laying of pipeline is technically, politically and economically not a feasible option. Mini LNG plants are used to convert Natural gas to LNG. LNG from production site is transported through LNG tankers to door step of prospective gas customers with suitable re-gasification facility.

Enhydra Ltd.

SOPAN is associated with Enhydra Ltd since 2013 to provide package/systems for Produced Water Treatment. Our Depurator/Induced Gas Floatation units/Nutshell Filter are designed to optimize oil water skimming & minimizing risk of short circuiting.